
October 20, 2011

Tassajara Heidelberg Rye

It's Molasses Madness this week!

I made this loaf a few months ago, my family really enjoyed it. I don't know what makes it "Heidelburg Rye", but it's a beautiful loaf, another recipe from The Complete Tassajara Cookbook.

Tassajara Basic Bread With Molasses

All this autumn weather this past week has made me think of molasses. I grew up with this lovely thick black liquid, we had it in Molasses cookies (my father's favourite) and drank it in milk. So I thought "Why not use it to make bread?"

I decided to use the Tassajara Basic White Bread recipe, substituting molasses for the honey. It comes out nice and brown, like rich cafe au lait.

 This, and other yummie yeasty things can be found at Yeastspotting!

October 13, 2011

Virginia Light Rolls

Thanksgiving was Monday, and fresh homemade rolls are always on the menu!